Unable to comment on posts

This page will help you fix the Indefinite comment sending animation when the user is not logged in via WordPress in the app.

This problem arises because WordPress does not allows the unauthenticated users to comment by default. So we need to enable it by adding a few lines of code into the WordPress plugin.

If you are using the plugin updated after 15 June 20, then you can skip this article.


  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard

  2. Clink on Plugins > Plugin Editor

  3. Now from the Select plugin to edit : dropdown menu, choose WorDroid 4 and click Select

  4. Now click on home_api.php, you will see some code like this

add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'add_homepage_route');

5. You need to replace above code with this code

add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'add_homepage_route');
add_filter( 'rest_allow_anonymous_comments', '__return_true' );

That's all. Now you'll be able to post comments from the app. You don't need to regenerate the apk from android studio.

Last updated