Customize app homepage

If you are not using Dynamic HomePage then skip this page. The customisations made to the Config page of the plugin is only application on the Dynamic HomePage.

Go to the WordPress Dashboard > WorDroid 4 > Config to add contents to show on the Dynamic Hompage. If you are using Dynamic HomePage then you don't need to follow this. Just skip this tutorial.

  1. Randomize section : If you have added multiple sections, then the app will show sections in random order.

  2. Content Type : Choose wether you want to show Posts, Category or Tags on the homepage.

  3. Layout Type : Choose which layout you want to show the contents in the app. Note: The layout type is only available to the Posts Content Type. Not Category and Tags.

  4. Select Category : If your Content Type is Posts, then select the Categories you want to show posts from, if you content type is Categories, then select the categories you want to show on the app homepage as a horizontal scrolling list.

  5. Select Tags: If your Content Type is Posts, then select the Tags you want to show posts from, if you content type is Tags, then select the tags you want to show on the app homepage as a horizontal scrolling list.

  6. Section Title : Title of the section. Leave it empty if you want to show nothing.

  7. Posts Count : No of posts you want to show in that section.

  8. Randomize Contents : Fetch random posts from above selected rules.

  9. Add More Sections : Add more section to the homepage.

Last updated